Since the Old Kingdom, the Mourning representations always appeared in the funeral procession scenes as the deceased was accompanied on the way to his tomb by 2 female Mourners, one at his head and the other at his feet, represnting goddesses ( ISIS ) & ( NEPHTYS) bewailing the while searching for god's ( WSIR ) coffin { after his brother, god ( SET ) locked him in a coffin throwing it into nile } till they found it in BYBLOS.

Another conception suggests that Mourners were calling for the deceased in the OTHER WORLD to resurrect.
The signs of Mourning in Ancient Egypt were the same as in other parts of the Ancient Near EAST, such as female scattering dust on their heads and disheveled hair while dressing dresses torn open at the breast and beating their breasts.

Men rarely or never showed their sorrow and Blue was occasionally the prescribed colour for Mourning dress.
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